Mommy’s Wardrobe Fail

Just because I am a mother, and a mother of two messy boys at that, does not mean that I want to live in fuzzy yoga pants and my hubby’s old t-shirts everyday. There are few things more satisfying than successfully leaving the house all dressed to the nines: make-up, a cute shirt and shoes with a little bit of …


Picnik & Picasa

My Blogging Your Way E-class just taught me all about Picnik and Picasa, and I am officially in love with these programs! Both are simple to use photo editing programs that add a lil’ pizazz to your photos, plus the option to add text and other extra specials! This Picture was just my first “get to know the program” picture….can’t …

Day 29-3 Wishes

1) That my child would love the Lord 2) That my stretch marks will go away 3) That laundry and dishes would take care of themselves!