My Motivation for Blogging

When I first started this blog, it was to inform all of my readers, (mostly my mom) of all the awesome things I found online and share what I thought was important. But how many times can you look at pictures of a beautiful home and not feel bad about yours? I started to realize, back when I was malbeans.com and even now, that I had become a copy N’ paste blogger. I was just reposting articles and pictures from other bloggers that I followed. Lame. So I tried to be better at creating posts based on my originality; blogs that were “me.”
Then tonight, over glasses of red wine and AMAZING food, my husband (everything he does seems to turn to gold) started talking about my motivation behind blogging. Why did I do it? What was the point of posting a bunch of pretty pictures? What was I trying to accomplish? Why did I feel the need to share it with the world (or my mom)?
It started me thinking…scary. WHY AM I BLOGGING?
I’ve decided that I want my blog to be based around the idea of making life beautiful and not just with pretty paint colors or funky home accessories. I don’t believe that life is beautiful, that we are happy in our lives with expensive furniture or the newest trendy decor accents, but with each little personal touch we add to your day to day lives. That single rose in a old vase on your table; the explosive mess you made in the kitchen trying to master a new recipe; the genuine laughing that can fill your home by simply spending time with one another (my baby’s is my favorite 🙂 )
So I’m going to try my best to post authenticity, post thoughts and ideas to help YOU AND ME make every moment beautiful. I want to create a blog that is truly inspirational, not just good at re-posting.
Although it would be incredible to be filled with an endless supply of awesomeness regarding this subject on beauty and happiness, I am sadly a “no0b,” so I will be including ideas, posts, books and thoughts from other humans in this rat race that have an idea on what this includes.

whew. Ok so here it goes….

Comments 4

  1. Great that you feel motivated to take a direction. But I’m not sure there’s a wrong way to blog. 😉 Even if what has come before is practice for what comes later, that’s valuable.

  2. Hey, baby gurl. You are indeed amazing. With inspiration from your mother and good looks from your dad you will of course be successful. this is great… and I am now able to get it on our computer. I was determined!!

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    That is a very good point. And I agree that there really is no real wrong way to blog, but for me, for this particular blog I want to have a more specific direction.

    Thank you Sean for taking the time out of your day to read it, whatever the direction may be.

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