Prov31: Husband Challenge Day #2

Project #2
Back in the Day

Do Something He Enjoyed Before You Got Married

“Lust is easy.  Love is hard.  Like is most important.”  ~ Carl Reiner

Your Project:

Initiate an activity that your husband used to love. Whether it’s his favorite hobby, sport, or pastime, it’s time for you to get involved – be his buddy today.

 I don’t know what I would do without my crafty time.  Even when I’m not happy with how a project is turning out, I still enjoy being covered in glitter, hot glue strings and paper pieces.  It’s my place to get away and have a little “me” time.

The selfish part of me forgets that I can’t be my husbands hobby.  Dang.
Just as I need my crafty corner, Jerad needs somewhere or something to do that relaxes him, brings out his inner child and lets him get away for awhile.
After spending the morning with family, I took the boys home for naps and Jerad asked if it would be alright if he took off for awhile for some “him” time.  Sweet! Of course! Little did he know that this was my day #2 challenge! All I had to do was say “yes,”  and even though I didn’t get to do it with him as the challenge suggests, he still got to have the time away.
He spent the afternoon reminiscing and tinkering on his cars at the local Slot Car Track where he used to spend a lot of time as a kid.  When he came home I could tell he had a good time….plus he was rejuvenated and ready to help me out with the soon to be cranky boys!
It was a Win-Win and I  was happy to see the hubs happy!  Got be better at encouraging him to get out of the house and enjoy his hobbies!
Kathi Lipp’s 5 Day Husband Project Blogger Challenge