Starting Off 2014 Sleep Deprived but Organized

The title of this post says it all: I’m tired but determined to get a handle on this house. (Didn’t I just do a pre-baby nesting?!) I know it may be hard to believe, but keeping a house organized, let alone clean, with 3 small children is hard! And just knowing where to start is a challenge! Before kids I …


I’m an organizing machine!

Once again, I’m organizing my home. A de-cluttering and cleaning whirlwind I will be! I have put together a list of things I want to organize, but I’m not going to attempt it all in one day….Nope, it will be nap time by nap time. My only deadline will before our garage sale! (July 28th, just in case you were …


Some Bathroom Organizing

I’m a huge fan of BEFORE & AFTER pictures and shows. If I’m watching a cleaning or decorating show, they have to have great before and after shots for me to continue partaking in the show. If the “after” results are drastic, even better! Clean House is great at that; they always show overwhelming before shots that suck you in …