Welcome to the World Emerson Brooke!

This past friday morning at 9:24am our precious baby GIRL Emerson Brooke came into the world!


It was quite a shock to both her daddy and myself, as the idea of having a girl seemed far fetched.  I was bawling on the operating table, unable to contain my emotion.  I don’t think it even really hit home until I put on her first bow…which I had to ask for help with!  I’ve been a mother to boys…monster truck loving, dirt wearing, gun slinging boys, and I have loved every minute of it! Now I have a girl and the world is starting to look a whole lot different…my Pinterest boards are definitely taking on a “sparklier” look!


Since we came home on Sunday, it’s been up and down with how the boys are reacting to this new little being actually staying in the family.  Their first reaction was one of “no” in Cohen’s words and shy and uninterested for Liam.  But as the week has gone by, they are warming up quite nicely to her….Emmy “buying” them a super cool Marble Run toy set I’m sure has helped sweeten the deal.  Now they are always giving “Sissy” kisses on the head and mimicking all the squeaky sounds she makes.  Oh, they for sure still have their trying and testing moments, I’m sure causing Jerad to wish he was back at work, but we both understand they are still trying to figure out what life looks like now with baby sister.


Liam took a picture of himself holding his new baby sister to preschool on tuesday for Show and Tell.  He got up in front of the class and this is what came out of his ever surprising mouth, “Guys, I have a serious problem.  I have a new baby sister.  Her name is Emerson Brooke Hill and she is a princess I will protect with my knife sword.”  Pure and precious love from a 3 year old boy.


Now life consists of Jerad wrestling all household responsibilities, working from home, loving the boys and new baby, and making sure I stay on the couch.  Which is becoming harder and harder to do as my recovery has been going so well.  Seriously, this C-section was a piece of cake! So as my Pinterest boards grow (couch time will do that) and my crafty mind starts to explode I some what impatiently await the complete healing of the hole in my abdomen.  But I am enjoying the excuse to just cuddle my new baby GIRL all day long!

I know there is so much I want to say, explain, share and brainstorm in this blog post, but honestly I’m tired.  Imagine that.