When Mice Attack….

These past couple of weeks, we have been battling against the furry villains that have scampered into our home. After my husband valiantly fought one out of the house and closed up the tiny hole he crawled from, we thought we had won. Boy, were we wrong. I realized we were still at war when little mousey poops showed up in my craft room. Ew. So my knight in shining armor bought some traps and filled them with yummy peanut butter. Sadly, this first round of traps succeeded only in filling our mousey’s tummy with deliciousness and left the traps unsnapped. Boo. Jerad then brought out the big guns; and I’m not just talking about his biceps. After purchasing some old school “break every bone in the mouses body” traps, that very next morning we caught an enemy. Lucky for me and my weak constitution for all things furry, I didn’t have to see it.
Then tonight, I decided it was time to start going through my craft room and downsize a little in preparation for moving it into our master bedroom. Little did I know just how much I would be getting rid of. For as riffled through the drawers of my craft armoire, I found PILES of mouse poop!!!! In the very bottom drawer, where I have kept feather boas, party hats and such, the stinkin’ mouse had made a cozy lil’ home amongst the feathers. So, yes, I got rid of A LOT more than I wanted to. Oh, and through this whole cleaning process, the hubby decides its the perfect chance to throw in a few comments here and there such as “It’s like the room full of old toy story toys saying “glue us! glue us!'” What a comedian. So as of now, mid-move and almost through the mouse battle (Jerad thinks we got them), this is what my beloved craft room looks like: