From Dump Zone to Sanctuary

Your master bedroom is supposed to be a sanctuary, a place of refuge and rest from the whirlwind of the world. Ours is a dump zone.  Literally piles of laundry and technology and baskets of randomness we threw in there before company showed up. You’re welcome, company. Not exactly the place that brings breaths of fresh air and romantic moments…more …


How to use your vintage beauties

If you are anything like me, you stumble across some beautiful vintage treasure, fall immediately in love with it, bring home and realize you have no idea what you are going to do with it. But you love it, so you have to keep it.  I have a lot of them.  Actually I usually have a cupboard full.  Eventually I …


Custom Card Orders…

The past couple weeks I have received two custom card orders for Papers & Pearls and I absolutely loved doing them! Especially when I’m in a crafty rut, because they provide me with the basis idea for what they want and then I can add my personal touch and sparkle! I am really happy how they turned out, and even …