A art space is always a work in progress….

And this is mine! After my little bundle of joy took over my office, I had to move all of my artsy stuff into a corner of our bedroom next to a closet! My hubby bought me this great big white glass topped desk from Ikea and the rest of the pieces I have collected over time! The little corner I have taken over is not ideal, but it’s mine.

This is a cork top jar I bought at the Hope Chest thrift store for $1.00!!!! I brightened it up with some paint and paper and filled it with all my extra ribbons!

I found this old spice rack in the back of an antique shop in Oakdale. It was super dirty and had white paint chipping off. I probably would have left the white, because it was very shabby chic, but there were paint brush hairs all in it and some dirt that wouldn’t budge. So I thought a lil festive green would be fun! Now its a great place to store paint, beads and buttons!

As my space comes into it’s own I will share more pictures, but right now this is the only part I have somewhat organized! It is complete craft chaos behind the camera!