Bring on the skinny jeans….

And I don’t mean around the ankles! In lieu of the New Year (and the fact that Liam will soon be 7months old), i’m determined to loose the last 15lbs of the oh so wonderful mommy pounds. Don’t get me wrong, Liam was well worth it, but I miss the non-muffin top version of me. Inspired by this woman’s honesty on her blog that I read, I will now share my measurements and a very humbling picture of myself.

Drum Roll please…….

Every Month on the 28th i’ll take my measurements…

December 28, 2010
Weight: 137lbs
Waist: 32 1/2 inches
Bust: 36 inches
Hips: 34 inches
Thighs: 37 1/2 inches

I’m not going to start off 2011 on some crazy insane workout regiment eating only lettuce and buying In N’ Out with cash so there’s no paper trail, but I will eat healthier and be more active. Dang, just lifting my not so little Lil’ man is quite the workout in it’s self! Now once I meet my goal (120lbs and no muffiness), I still want to keep up the exercise and healthy eating habits, so this is to hopefully be a life change….we will see.
As many of you have pointed out, if/and when I become pregnant again, this goal will quickly become maintaining a healthy pregnancy and less of loosing the inches!

Your encouragement is always welcomed! I will do my best to update you as I get my butt in gear and my belly in skinnier jeans 🙂