Woodland Forest Celebration Party!

To celebrate the appearance of Cohen and the disappearance of Liam’s cast, my mom and I threw a Woodland Forest themed party with lots of friends and family there to celebrate with us! It was an open house party with delicious appetizers (Thanks Grandma!), yummy drinks and lots of laughs! Sadly at 2pm, when the guests were just beginning to …

All “Mommy-brained” Today

I think it started sometime during Cohen’s 4am feeding, as I was very confused on which room to feed him in…so while holding my apparently famished vampire baby who had latched onto my neck, I did a few stumbling circles around the hallway and remembered finally I had a very cozy rocking chair in his room. Strange. Then today was …


What a wild start to 2012

Both my beautiful boys just went down for naps, I have a cup of my favorite peppermint tea steaming next to me, and my dishwasher is unloaded. Thats enough for now. Please bear with me as I write this post. I feel like it could be the shortest ever by simply stating in all CAPS, “WE ARE ALIVE,” or it …


Pinterest Pins I WILL accomplish

Like a lot of other women I know, I have Pinterest boards filled with wonderful and amazing ideas, recipes, crafts and cleaning pins that I have found and said I would do. Sadly, I don’t think I have done any of them. So this post will be hopefully the first of many and my accountability partner, as I hope you …

A family of four and a break from blogging….

One week ago today, we brought home our sweet baby Cohen Parker (9lbs 9oz. 21 inches) to meet his big brother Liam. Every time I see this picture, my heart melts and I am reminded onc again how much God has blessed us during this hard time. I couldn’t be happier being a mother of two amazing little boys! I’ll …


A Valentine’s Day Vase Pick Me Up!

Since two weeks ago, all my attention has been on my toddler in his cast, the growing baby inside me due to come Monday, and my hubby who has taken on so much. I decided that I wasn’t going to do any of the Valentine’s Day crafts I had been planning; Family comes first. And then last night, while my …