Moon Sand and Baby Sensory Bag

I am an aesthetics girl.  I’m that woman you see at the toddler sensory table still playing after her son has ran off to some other activity.  When I walk past the bins of dry rice and beans at the grocery store, it’s all I can do to prevent myself from running my fingers through them! So I found this easy to …

Sidewalk Chalk Paint DIY

While out enjoying the WONDERFUL cool breezes in the backyard, Liam started getting a lil’ restless with his outdoor toys…and an activity was needed. I remembered seeing a pin on Pinterest (of course) about making your own sidewalk paint! the recipe was easy enough and Liam loves to paint, and painting on anything but paper even better! Simply mix 1 …


The Toddler and The Ice Block

Since Liam has decided that naps are no longer a necessity around here…(riiiiiight) it has given this tired mommy a great excuse to try out a lot more activities that I come across on Pinterest.  It has been particularly hot here lately, so I thought this one from Counting Coconuts would be fun! I filled a plastic Tupperware bowl with …


Our Del Mar Vacation

Liam is officially a little beach explorer! He faithfully followed his crazy mother (me) as I pranced around the beach looking for treasures! Although the beaches we visited were not very seashell friendly, we did find a couple little ones and he loved all the “wropes” or sea weed ropes that lined the beach. Cohen was such a trooper…being that …


Vacationing in Del Mar

We are away on vacation: jerad, myself and our 2yo and 6mo close in tow. Being it our first family vacation with both boys, we did and didn’t know what to expect. Now three days in, I totally understand the sayings “a vacation from your vacation,” and “a vacation with small children is not a vacation, it’s a trip .” …

My Children’s Song Revision

I love a good children’s song or finger play! Now that Liam and Cohen are at the ages where they enjoy a good song n’ dance gig from mommy, I have started bringing out all the ones my mother taught me and those I learned while studying Child Development in college. There are a lot of old ones and quite …