My No-Guilt-Pretend-I’m-Sleeping moment of the day

My No-Guilt-Pretend-I’m-Sleeping moment of the day. It’s magical. It’s wonderful. It’s a mommy reboot.
I’ve always loved that my kids are the kind of kids you could toss into their beds from the doorway (totally kidding…kinda) and they’d put themselves to sleep. Then a couple months ago Nap time became this huge battle with the boys… And they both still need a hour nap or they become these deranged lil zombies who I can only throw Gold Fish crackers at and pray for bedtime.
So nap time sleep would come only if I pretended to nap on the floor in between their beds. Then the moment their little eyes closed, I would sneak out of their rooms like a ninja and go about my day.
Sure, I could have charged on yelling my battle call determined to win back nap time, but I’ve grown accustomed to this wonderful little moment of rest, even if it is on the floor….motherhood has shown me any place can be a comfortable place if you only just believe.
Sometimes while pretending to rest, I actually fall asleep, only to wake up later with the kids….God knew I needed sleep right?
Other times I simply scroll Pinterest or blogs, enjoying my “time alone” on the floor of my boys room. Though there have been those deer in the headlight moments when a supposedly sleeping boy sticks their fuzzy head over the side of the bed and catches me “playing” on my phone as they call it.
Do I feel guilty about this seemingly wasted time of my day? Nope. Not anymore! It’s me time. That precious 15-45minutes where I simply rest. Sure there are still days when I sneak out to be productive and there are days they don’t even nap, but how nice those napping days are.
*totally wrote this during that moment today while listening to my little loves snoring like bears!
