De-clutter Mission Update

Getting things done around here! Loved vigorously crossing these off my list! Of course Liam saw how much fun I was having and had to join in on the fun with some red pen! What organizing fun have you been having?

Cheese Enchilada Crockpot Chowder

While digging into some of my favorite blogs, I came across this yummy sounding enchilada chowder on Get Off Your Butt and Bake. I know the weather has been pretty hot for soup, but the fact that I basically just had to dump the ingredients into the crockpot and walk away was very, very enticing. So the other night I …


Cleaning My Dyson…Prepare yourself

Yes, you read right…prepare yourself. These next pictures are gross. Every couple of months, I have my hubby use his air compressor and blow out all the junk from my much used and much loved Dyson Vacuum. Since he’s been super busy with work this month (total blessing) I decided to tackle it myself. I completely took it apart…and OH …


I’m an organizing machine!

Once again, I’m organizing my home. A de-cluttering and cleaning whirlwind I will be! I have put together a list of things I want to organize, but I’m not going to attempt it all in one day….Nope, it will be nap time by nap time. My only deadline will before our garage sale! (July 28th, just in case you were …


Great Great Grandma Muriel’s Quilt of Many Colors

Prepare yourself for color overload! A couple of years ago, my Aunt asked if I wanted my Great Grandmother’s quilt that she had made….at the time, I wasn’t to sure what to think of it, so I folded it nicely and placed it on top of Liam’s armoire, knowing it was a family heirloom and something special. As I was …


Some Bathroom Organizing

I’m a huge fan of BEFORE & AFTER pictures and shows. If I’m watching a cleaning or decorating show, they have to have great before and after shots for me to continue partaking in the show. If the “after” results are drastic, even better! Clean House is great at that; they always show overwhelming before shots that suck you in …