When Mice Attack….

These past couple of weeks, we have been battling against the furry villains that have scampered into our home. After my husband valiantly fought one out of the house and closed up the tiny hole he crawled from, we thought we had won. Boy, were we wrong. I realized we were still at war when little mousey poops showed up …


MB MakeOver: A couple things I have…..

I have two of this great frame from Ikea that are currently not being used….maybe on either side of the bed. Picture? fabric? I also have 6 of these whirly hanging candle balls from CB2 which I thought might look really nice clustered either in the corner of the room or even above the bed! I think I will be …

Master Bedroom Redue…..HELP!!!

This dear readers, is our master bedroom….and yes, I didn’t make my bed. For the past 3 1/2 years this has been our “sanctuary,” but it sure doesn’t feel like one from my point of view. It’s been anything goes, just try and fill the empty space on the walls and since we got a new and bigger bed, our …


You just got to go with it…..

Today, while we were lounging in the backyard, Liam pulled out the garden hose and dragged it to the porch. Naturally he wanted me to turn it on, and although it is September, I obliged because it was still 100 degrees (come on Fall!!). After filling up his water table, and cleaning off the porch and all the furniture, he …


Another Day and Another Mess

As I’m typing this, my now walking 15 month old is pulling everything in reach off my desk and conveniently placing those items in other rooms and I have collected at least three rolls of toilet paper snot balls in my waste basket. Red nosed mommy and Liam have been sick all weekend, and judging by the fact we are …

It’s been to long…

I know it’s been awhile since i’ve last posted, but it has been crazy busy around here (and nap time is shorter) and honestly I haven’t had a lot I want to blog about! So until the chaos subsides, here is a little something to tide you over. My good friend Jessica just recently had a guest blogger Trina Holden …